ACO Club – Talk

Wednesday on YouTUbe with TJ Morris ET Host.

Citizen of the Universe, Multiverse, Metaverse, Xenoverse, Omniverse who welcomes the future on earth and in space.

Ace Folklife 2012

Ascension Age 2012 A Theory Shift of Vibration into New Golden Age Christ Consciousness

2012 Ascension Age Preparation for Raising Awareness!

Alien ET Contactee Avatar Shaman Asking All Levels of Essence as Beings Assist in the Ascension Age 2012 Game of Life

St. Patrick’s Day 2012 – \ FAY DAY for Dark and Light Celtic Old English ACE Folklife Traditions

2012 Apacalypse or Ascension Age of ET WORK? Spiritual Ascension of TJ (

Alien ET Mocarmatic Atmosphere of the Branes in the Xenoverse! (

Apocalypse 2012 Ascension Age & Beyond Preparation (

Xenoverse and Cosmos Xenon Gas Propulsion Magnetic Outer Rims as an Inner Source of Omegaverse (

ACE Fay Day USA Folklife Traditions Celebrate St Patrick’s Day same as FAY DAY both Dark and Light Fays – TV Lost Girl (

TJ Morris Publishing Network

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Ascension Age is now!

When we shall learn about our own existence on the Alien ET Highway of the Cosmos Through Time Called the Ascension Age.

We are each a soul first as a creation. We are then given an essence which can become an actual separate entity that can detect separate awareness from the original source as the creator.

TJ Morris ET Radio

“We get the word out!”

We share the information we are experiencing and we know UFOS are real and that Alien Civiizations Exist! TJ Morris aka Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris and the ACO Club.

We share the ACO Association and UFO Association.

We are the American Communication Online in Gulf Breeze, Florida USA.

We share various topics we find strangely appealing including the mystical magical mystery tour we all have shared from the 1960’s through the Aquarian Age to our 2012 & Beyond Ascension Age.

We will now follow our own eternal journey through time and space and that we call space time while learning more about Quantum Physics and our own selves. We share our own essence together although we now know we can co-create in synchronicity and should meet in groups more often for the good of spreading joy, love, and wisdom of things to come.

We share our future and celebrate our wisdom and achievement. We share the metaphysics which include and involved cosmology.

We also share astronomy and astrology and how our world may be a part of galaxies, and universes which define us all inside various bubbles which collide in something we now call dark matter.

Fun topics to share with the world of cyrstals which do share history in the making as it takes so long to generate a crystal. We share the Ascension Age generation who know we use crystals in our communication devices. We are ready to embrace the science of art, and the art of science as we achieve the ways of not only learning and listening but sharing in the particles and waves which are both a part of all of us.

We can have fun with aspirations,  celebrations, inspirations, motivations and  communications with our ACO Association and our UFO Association which has been a part of the new Ascension Age.

ACO shares the ACE Metaphysical Schools of both Arts & Sciences.

We share terms such as UFOS and Aliens as defind as not of earth origin.

We share that we are accumulation of all that has come before and that we cannot define as only one or all that is. We share the microcosm and the macrocosm. We do not get lost in only politics and religions that may want to separate us by age old history of separations due to wars or colors of our skin. We now know that wars and rumors of wars are shared by our ancient ancestors throughout recorded history.

So, now what does one embrace as fact versus fiction in this world? This is why we as journalist, historians, and researchers share in the ACE Folklife History and the Ascension Age Center of Historical Documentation that so many of our politicians and world leaders want to be written into our Halls of Amenti and our many levels of existence.

So, let’s begin to share that all philosophy and theosophy can exist along our own psychology. We can embrace all levels and all tracks of human study and knowledge of the entire population of earth.


We share the word chakra as the spinning centers of our bodies and now the way we use energy. We as developing creatures enjoy our communication of word in our works of understanding each other. We use various types of words to discuss our own way of describing what we can see and cannot see but know that we share in our world.   

Day, Number, Color, Gem/Precious Metal/ Key Word/Topic

Ascension – Affirmation Chart   -CHAKRA BALANCING – WEBSITE SHARE   

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